© Kulturlandschaft Moritzburg

Moritzburg pond circular path

Enige feiten

  • Start: Moritzburg/Parking lot Kalkreuther Straße
  • Bestemming: Moritzburg/Parkplatz Kalkreuther Straße
  • Licht
  • 13,49 km
  • 3 Uren 20 Minuten
  • 53 m
  • 192 m
  • 162 m

Circular trail through the Moritzburg pond landscape

Saxony's princes were fond of their own game. Countless trophies and ubiquitous hunting and game motifs, which can be admired in the Moritzburg hunting lodge north of Dresden, bear witness to this. Long before Augustus the Strong had the magnificent Baroque building erected here, Duke George the Bearded ordered the draining of the former marshy area around it in the 15th century. Fortunately for strollers and hikers. Ponds, meadows, forests, fields, a game preserve and architectural gems create a picturesque cultural landscape. The pond circuit is very popular. The twelve-kilometer route not only passes Moritzburg Castle, but also romantic picnic spots on reed-lined banks.



  • Asfalt (3%)
  • Grind (71%)
  • Wandelroute (26%)

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